What Is Inside an Art Clay Kit?

Thursday, January 10, 2013
Arts and craft activities can be popular in many countries. Children and adults can participate and bond with each other. In addition these activities offer a low cost option compared to other activities, such as concerts. Arts and craft activities come in many forms, including painting t-shirts. Another option involves working with metal clay. Metal clay comes in different colors, ranging from gold to silver. Artisans and jewelry designers enjoy using art clay becomes of its soft texture. Some companies have developed an art clay kit to meet the demand
For children, receiving their first kit provides a range of possibilities. They can make plates for friends, jewelry for themselves or art work for their parents. Parents who are purchasing art clay supplies should avoid single purchases. Purchasing an art clay kit offers a more economical solution. Parents do not need to worry about missing or damaged tools. Depending on the size of the kit, children can make bigger projects. However, most stores offer a standard sized art clay kit. All kits come with a set of instructions. Place the instructions in a safe place.

Some of the well-known manufacturers provide a short instructional video inside the art clay kit. A first-time user may want to purchase kits with this video. These videos show a step-by-step guide. Watch the video first, and then try to create a similar project. Parents can pause and go back over the same video section. Prepare to spend a little more money for a clay kit with a video. However, it is worthwhile to get a head start on your art project and show your talents to your family.
Clay represents the biggest item inside an art clay kit. A 20 gram size of clay can be used for multiple projects. Use the clay for bracelets, rings, ankle bracelets, ceramic plates or pottery. The finely-grained clay can be molded, sculpted and rolled. Clay paste helps keep the clay pieces together. As children work with clay, it can begin to dry. An art clay kit has a paint brush. Have a wet brush ready as the clay becomes dry. Another brush is the steel scratch brush for smoothing clay when it turns to silver.
A well-organised art clay kit provides more tools to make the experience worthwhile. Wet-dry sand paper provides the opportunity to smooth rough silver edges and surfaces. A plastic roller shapes the semi-wet clay instead of using the hands. A file set provides even more of a smooth texture. Some individuals enjoy making multiple projects and do not know where to store them. Look for a kit with a handy tool storage box for all your work and supplies.
Here are some tips for using the kits. Parents should be sure to monitor their children. Keep the door open to help air circulate inside the room. Keep babies and pets away for the supplies. Choose a place where the entire family can enjoy themselves, such as the family room.


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