5. Shark Tank Cleaner

Whatever Robin Askwith may claim, window cleaning is probably not the most fun of professions. Now add to that the requirement to share your job with one of nature’s most deadly predators while simultaneously being watched by a crowd of onlookers who are secretly hoping you’ll get eaten, and you’ve entered the world of shark tank cleaning.
Admittedly it’s not just sharks that need their homes scrubbed in big oceanographic parks – you can also spend your day in a scuba costume picking off bits of chewed fish and faeces from the tanks of everything from killer whales and dolphins to walruses and stingrays. And just imagine how much poo a whale produces.
4. Roadkill Cleaner

Dead animals are safer than sharks and octopi right? Well maybe, but that doesn’t make them any more fun as you shovel their rotting corpses off the highway and into the back of your pickup truck. And you thought live skunks smelled bad.
3. Virtual Gold Farmer

There’s gold in them that websites! Well, virtual gold anyway. If you hate the sunlight, or indeed movement beyond repeatedly clicking a mouse, then this is the career for you. Spend hours online on multiplayer fantasy games such as World of Warcraft, slowly and laboriously farming gold, then sell it to other nerds who have been forced to get real jobs to pay real money for currency that doesn’t exist. Or something.
2. Fortune Cookie Writer

“You will soon be asked to pay for a Chinese meal.” This and other gems could be yours for the writing if you can persuade fortune cookie manufacturers of your incredible clairvoyance (or ability to translate Chinese into English, either is good).
This falls into the same category as cracker joke writer and greetings card message creator, as jobs which sound like fun the first time, but just wait until you’re struggling to find that thousandth innovative way to tell somebody they’re about to meet a tall dark stranger, while not insinuating that it could be death.
1. Zombie

When it comes to the zombie apocalypse, most people would agree that they wouldn’t be first in line when they’re handing out brains to eat. However, you can make an unhealthy £30,000 a year by shuffling around and drooling at the London Bridge Experience in London, which is more than most fast food workers doing the same thing.
It’s not entirely sure what the promotional opportunities are for this role, but presumably you could always get your own nice spot on a corpse farm…
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