5. Don Cheadle

As a driving force in the campaign to end the crisis in Darfur, Cheadle is perhaps best known for his humanitarian efforts. But the actor is also a major player in exacting political change toward environmental issues, collaborating with the UN to advocate policy reform at the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference.
In the News: Named the UN Environment Program Goodwill Ambassador on World Environment Day, Cheadle noted the need to educate about mankind’s interconnectivity with the environment: “It really is a chain of life. We have to connect the dots.”
4. Brad Pitt

After Hurricane Katrina, Pitt’s interests in architecture and sustainability converged: in support of rebuilding efforts, he joined Global Green USA and helped select new housing models for its Sustainable Design Competition for New Orleans Neighborhoods. The actor also formed the affordable housing initiative Make It Right and, as a major vote of confidence, relocated his family to New Orleans.
In the news: Pitt helped found the Green Products Innovation Institute, the Google-, Wal-Mart-, and YouTube-backed non-profit that looks to reform the cleaning product industry.
3. Edward Norton

A belief that environmental issues will prove to be the defining crisis for his generation fuels the actor’s activism. Norton’s efforts include helping kick-start the BP Solar Neighbors program and the Enterprise Green Communities initiative, as well as hosting National Geographic’s “Strange Days on Planet Earth” series.
In the news: Norton recently launched Crowdrise, an online fundraising site that he calls “pretty much the most fun you can have making a difference without taking any illegal substances.”
2. Leonardo DiCaprio

Already a prolific movie star, DiCaprio has also been a proponent of green causes throughout his film career. In addition to practicing what he preaches, the actor also had a major hand in bringing An Inconvenient Truth’s spiritual successor, The 11th hour,to theaters, spearheaded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, and has devoted much of his official website to raising environmental awareness.
In the news: DiCaprio recently teamed with the World Wildlife Fund to form the Save Tigers Now campaign, dedicated to preserving habitats and doubling the number of wild tigers “by 2022, the next Year of the Tiger.
1. Robert Redford

According to Redford, “the environment should be put in the category of our national security. Defense of our resources is just as important as defense abroad. Otherwise what is there to defend?” With this in mind, the actor has spent over three decades championing the environmental movement through his own personal advocacy, his involvement with the National Resources Defense Council, and through the sustainability-minded Sundance Channel.
In the news: In response to the Deepwater Horizon crisis, Redford and the NRDC posted a video in which he said that, “if there’s a lesson in all of this, it’s that we have to get off of our dependence on oil.”
This article is from Wellhome, which provides Home Energy Audits or Assessments with the ability to upgrade HVAC, Windows, and Home Insulation, and perform Duct Tightening and Air Sealing to create a comfortable more well balanced home that performs at its best level. Home energy assessments through WellHome allow the homeowner to get a bigger picture of the efficiency of the home and its ability to maintain comfortable temperatures and air flow.
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