It’s a fact that three quarters of the
globe is surrounded with water but we have only 1% of consumable water
on earth . Sadly consumable water is getting scarce with each passing
day and we need to take serious measures in order to prevent misuse of
this blessing.
We bring to you ten ways two conserve water, so that you can do your bit to save the environment.
Do not rinse under running water

D o not rinse dishes under running
water. Fill one sink with soap water and the other with rinsing water.
This would save a good deal of water and your task would be done with
ease too.
Upgrade your fridge

Old models of refrigerators take a good
deal of water to take gallons of water to reach a certain cooling
temperature. Upgrade your refrigerator model and avoid the water loss.
Adjust your lawn sprinklers

Adjust your lawn sprinkler so that you
only water your lawn and not the sidewalk or you driveway. An insane
amount of water is wasted by leaving your lawn sprinkler open
Use dishwasher when full

Do not run you dishwasher with just a
few plates in it. Wait until it is full. This way you can save up to
1,000 gallons of water a month.
Wash your vegetables in a pan

It is much better to wash your
vegetables and fruits in a pan filled with water than under running
water. It saves huge amount water that could help millions of people
suffering from drought around the world.
Use an efficient shower

Use an efficient shower, if you shower
is so slow that it fills a gallon bucket in less the twenty seconds, it
is unusual amounts of water and you better replace it to do your part in
water conservation.
Water plants with re used water

Save the water you have used for washing your fruits and vegetables and you can use it later to water you plants.
Do Laundry when necessary

Do not run your washing machine just two
wash last night’s dinner suit , wait till your laundry is full and use
water level that matches you laundry load.
Plug your Bath tub

Plug your bath tub before bathing. This saves a good deal of water instead of bathing under running water.
Thaw food without water

Try to thaw the frozen meat and
vegetables in your freezer under the fan instead of running water. This
is not only healthy as it prevents bacteria growth but also saves water.
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