They’re famous, they’re powerful, and
above all they’re rich. Yup I’m talking about the filthy rich superstars
who sit on the top of the celebrity food chain, the 10 richest celebs
in the world today.
Oprah Winfrey
She came, she saw, she conquered. After
being born into poverty this African-American fame monster rose from the
slums of Mississippi to the billionaire she is today. Her story is a
truly inspirational one. Read here.
If you’re not living under a rock, then
I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of them. This Irish sensation has been
around since the ’70s, yet they still have managed to remain original
and unique in their music more than anyone. Their music, it seems, has
conquered the limitations of time and space, and age too.
Tyler Perry
Okay, to be honest, I didn’t know him
until today, but for some reason beyond my comprehension, this man is
the third richest celebrity out there. He’s an actor, a director, a
producer, an author and a playwright. This man then, is like Grover from
Sesame Street, he does it all, maybe not that well, but he pulls it off
Bon Jovi
Rising from the women’s shoe store where
he worked back in ’82, this guy formed a band after his own name and
has one the most recognizable names in the music industry today. He and
his band, like U2, have stood the test of time, making a lot of money
along the way.
Jerry Bruckheimer
Aah, one my personal favorites, Jerry
Bruckheimer. There’s none that need be said once you see this
outstanding film producer’s filmography, which contains some very big
names such as Beverly Hills Cop, Top Gun, The Rock, Con Air, Crimson
Tide, Armageddon, Enemy of the State, Gone in 60 Seconds, Black Hawk
Down, Pearl Harbor and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Steven Spielberg
Of course, this man needs no
introduction too. He is the biggest whale in the sea of movie directors
and producers(after Bruckheimer), the top gun. He is Steven Spielberg,
and that’s that.
Elton John
If you were around back in the 20th
century then you’ve definitely heard of him. He was dubbed Sir Elton
John in 1998 for his ‘services to music and charitable services’ by
Queen Elizabeth 2. Need I go on?!
Lady Gaga
Had enough with those old hags and their
boring tales of success? Want somebody who’s not ‘prehistoric’? Well
here you go then Sir. I’m pretty sure you know her, especially with her
being Forbes Magazine’s most ‘powerful’ celebrity on the planet. This
diva earned her fame and fortune overnight, owing mostly to her unique
performing style. She is now, ‘The Fame Monster’.
Simon Cowell
If you’re a teenage girl who watches(or
watched) American Idol, then you’re sure to have a crush on this old
grunt. And I don’t blame ya, because he is after all the 9th richest
celebrity in the world today along with being many other things that
this blog forbids me from sharing. (wink)
James Patterson
Aah I remember reading one of his novels
a few years back. How on Earth did he make it onto this list? Bleh,
what the heck? I’m just glad that Bieber kid didn’t make this list.
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