You are what you eat, if you eat healthy you will stay forever young. In this age, the depletion of ozone layer and non organic foods gives you wrinkles and dark spots before you know it.
Here is a list of ten anti aging food items that would keep you young forever. Not forever actually but for long enough.

Green Vegetables

A highly toxic body is an invitation for all kinds of diseases to attack it. You need to keep toxins at bay to live long and healthy. Green vegetables be it olives, lettuce or cabbage helps fight the toxins in our body.

Water flushes out all those extra fats you eat just for the heck of it, regulates flow of blood and fights toxins. You should take a minimum of eight glasses of water a day.

Be it almonds, walnuts or cashew nuts, they all have unsaturated fats which are important for boosting your energy level but prevent lethargy.

Some researchers say that meat proteins causes aging much quickly therefore it is healthy to substitute them from vegetable proteins. Beans are a great source of healthy proteins, so if you want to go vegetarian, beans is definitely the thing to add in your meals.
Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate produces endorphins in your brain which makes you happy , intelligent and gives you a longer life, However, it has calories so one square of dark chocolate a day is they key to stay young forever.

Fish is a rich source of protein and unsaturated fats. It prevents high cholesterol and heart disease in you. Hence, you live a long and healthy life.

Garlic prevents cell degeneration, heart disease and regulates blood flow .It is very essential to stay a long and healthy life

Ginger regulates digestion and keeps your bowel in shape. It prevents weight gain and makes you look young and slim.

Yogurt is full of potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins, but the best thing about yogurt is the bacteria in it. It helps build up your immunity giving you a long and healthy life.
Green Tea

Green Tea is the best anti oxidizing agent burning all the fats and toxins in you body, it is anti wrinkle and relieves stress.
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