Super Mario is one of the most recognizable and most famous game character of all times. There is no many people who didn’t play Super Mario game, and the game is popular even today.
Super Mario is hero and he can overcome any problem, he can beat any beast including that fire-spitting dragon. But, according to following photos Super Mario is not only hero in the world of games, Super Mario has skipped all boundaries of unreal gaming world an became part of reality. It seems that he was involved in almost every important event and was present in almost every place on earth and even further, he managed to fly into space and who knows where more he has been…
One of the hardest battles took a place in white house where Super Mario met fire-spiting dragon, again.
It seems that Super Mario and his fellowship were having some fun while that unknown guy decided to stand in front of the tank column in Tianmen Square.
While swimming, don't forget what troubles Super Mario had when he had to swim in sea.
King Kong had to 'digitalize' itself to try to find Super Mario so he became Donkey Kong. But Super Mario was always fast enough to run away on time.
Remember neo, just free your mind pres turbo and juuuuuump.
How did you even think to raise that flag without Super Mario, flag-raising master?
If you see an unusual flying object in space, or some strange colors, don't forget that it could be Super Mario or some of his friends.
Super Mario and his fellowship are model citizens and they cross the roads only on zebra crossings.
And yes, he was there, too...
Cody van Tol from DeviantArt.
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