Top 5 Google Maps Satellite Photos

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

5. Follow the White Pink Rabbit

That is one helluva big Easter Bunny! You can find this bunny in Artesina, Italy. Supposedly this rabbit was knitted, not that you can see the yarn at this distance. Is he dead or sleeping, you be the judge.
4. Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man

Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man is just as impressive when created in a field.
3. Coca Cola in Chile

This Coca-Cola logo was supposedly created out of coke bottles just outside of Arica in Chile. I wonder if that is considered littering?
2. The Belly Flop that Shook the World

That was one titan-sized belly flop that created that lake.
1. The Real World Browser – Firefox in Portland

Crop circle art made in the shape of the Firefox Logo near Portland, Oregon.


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